4wd club

Auto Electrical Workshop - 26 October 2024-Full

Date: 26-Oct-2024

Event Details

The course will run over two days and is designed for members who wish to learn some basic electrical principles. The course will cover some basic maths on calculating power, current and voltage. There will also be discussions on wire sizes, fuses and antenna cable. Included will be some basic fault finding using a test lamp and voltmeter. Participants will be required to follow circuit diagrams and build up functioning circuits. Participants will be shown how to attach electrical terminals to cables by soldering and crimping. The student can construct their circuits by which ever method they choose – however a demonstration of both methods should be exhibited by the participant.

Note: The course is not designed to teach the participants to become automotive experts and any work carried out by participants on their vehicles is at the participant's own risk. Modern vehicle electrical systems are extremely complex and expensive to repair. Working on these vehicles should only be carried out by experts.

Participants will be required to bring their own equipment as follows:

  • 240V soldering iron (40-60 watts)
  • A small roll of resin core solder
  • Side cutters and pliers.
  • Combination or Bull nose pliers
  • Note pad and pen
  • If possible, a 12V test lamp, a voltmeter, and terminal crimp tools
  • You will need good terminal crimping tools for crimping insulated and non-insulated terminals. Good joins will only be achieved with proper tools

Cost: Free
Location: Willowglen
Duration: 2 Days

Book now for the Auto Electrical Course, 26 - 27 October 2024.

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