4wd club

Christmas at Koolandilly

Date: 24-Nov-2012

Event Details

Enjoy Christmas at Koolandilly for the whole family, with a special visit from Santa.

Saturday Events ~

  • 1pm - Fun & Games
  • 3pm - Santa Arrives to distribute gifts*
  • 5pm - Table set up
  • Prizes for the best decorated tables - most elegant, most festive, most creative, best kids table
  • Main meal and dessert provided

*Please note that Santa can only distribute gifts to children of registered members aged 12 years and younger. If other children (12 and under) are attending with members, please provide a labeled present to a maximum value of $15 to the Social Team before Santa arrives - to be included in the distribution.

TLCC Member Cost: $5 per adult / $5 per child

Only members can book into this Social Event. If you would like to become a member, fill out a new Membership Application.

Book your Place for the Christmas Now

* Required field.






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Please log in or become a member before booking in.

TLCC Members Login

(For Financial Members only. Unfinancial Members who wish to renew online must email membership@tlcc.com.au or admin@tlcc.com.au)

Become a TLCC Member

Membership Application fees are prorated over the TLCC’s financial year which runs from the 1st November to 31st October each year.

New Membership